Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Top Tips for Weight Loss

Are you ready to drop a few pounds before the summer is here?

Following are a few TOP TIPS to help you shed those pounds and feel great:

  • Eat Your Diet Salad With Dressing and Protein.  Choosing a vegetable salad with little or no dressing and no protein can leave you starved later and ready to devour something fattening.  Instead add a couple tablespoons of salad dressing such as a lemon, herb, mustard, and olive oil dressing.  Add 3 or 4 ounces of chicken, steak, or broiled salmon, and you’ll have a sustaining meal.
  • Make Your Own Party Tray for your next event.  This is the answer to high-calorie, unhealthy snack foods. Other people may appreciate your efforts too.
  • Eat on Smaller Plates  You’re far more likely to eat less.
  • Help For Stubborn Areas Where You Can’t Lose The Bulge. Do you have areas of your body such as stomach or thighs where exercise and diet don’t get rid of bulges and stubborn fat?  I highly recommend Lipo Laser.  Laser liposuction uses lasers to liquefy the fat and then it is excreted. Lasers may also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which results in firmer, tighter, and smoother skin. In one study, patients had laser liposuction on one side of their abdomen and traditional liposuction on the other side. They had more elasticity on the laser side at three months then on the side with traditional liposuction.This is a non-surgical body forming technology that helps to refine, reshape, and revive your body. It is a totally pain free treatment for fat reduction and ascetic body contouring.  It is also very helpful in relieving pain. I know it works. I had one treatment and shrunk an inch off each of my thighs.  It has not come back. But an interesting phenomena seems to have occurred. My thighs appear to continue contouring a bit more as time has gone on.  We are offering Lipo Laser at our May Retreat.


  1. I would love to attend your May retreat, but am unable financially, at this time. I am blessed by your message(s) and have listened to you on various programs and am especially happy to have followed your Christian witness for health and fitness. My question at this time is: Who performs this special laser treatment and what does it cost, as I have only Medicaid as my health insurance. I am trying to eat clean and healthy and work out at the gym. Thank-you and God Bless your ministry!

    • Lipo laser is offered at Well Quest in Spokane. … and at our May retreat.

  2. I have your books and have shared them with friends. Thank you so much. The information God has given you is helping so many. Love the recipes.
    I hope this is something that will help those who have lost a lot of weight and have sagging loose skin. I had a friend introduce me to a product called Nerium. You may have heard of it. It’s all natural, which I love and I am seeing results in my skin. Go to pinterest.com and search Nerium Results. I was amazed. Hope this helps someone. It did me.
    May God continue to richly bless you and use you mightly.