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Foggy Brain and the Gut-Brain Axis

Do you have a hard time focusing, or forget simple details, or mix up your words, or feel scattered or confused, don’t blame it on your brain— blame it on your gut.

Brain fog is considered as a loss of mental clarity, difficulty concentrating, and forgetfulness. Though you may feel this way before your first morning coffee, brain fog is actually a symptom of a deeper issue—inflammation in your body— and in particular, your digestive tract. Fogginess and slower cognitive function is more closely related to digestive conditions such as leaky gut, candida, and bacterial dysbiosis. This connection exists between your gut and nervous system, called the gut-brain axis.

If you’ve got an inflamed brain, the inflammation in the brain can decrease the nerve conduction. That can cause depression and reduced brain activity.That reduced activity of the brain reduces the output into the vagus, and that causes more digestive problems and more inflammation in the gut, more inflammatory cytokines in the bloodstream and those go into the brain. It’s quite a vicious cycle.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Go gluten free. Gluten is now being recognized as a major cause of leaky gut syndrome. Your body produces a protein in your digestive tract called zonulin. Its primary function is to moderate the junctions between the cells in your digestive tract, which help prevent undigested food particles and pathogens from passing through. Gluten can actually trigger your body to overproduce zonulin, which breaks apart the tight junctions and you can end up with leaky gut. Leaky gut is nicknamed “leaky brain.”
  2. Avoid processed carbs like white flour and sugar; they are like a slow poison to the gut. They feed the bad bacteria in your gut, which allows them to grow and outnumber your good bacteria. When your good bacteria is depleted, you’re more likely to experience cognitive effects, including brain fog.
  3. Drink juices high in beta-carotene, which is healing for the gut. Make green juices with a little carrot. This is excellent for the gut.
  4. Eat a high fiber diet. The cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and kale.
  5. Drink plenty of water—at least 8 glasses a day.
  6. Aloe vera gel can help heal the lining of a damaged intestinal tract, healing and/or preventing leaky gut syndrome.
  7. Cleanse your colon. You can sign up for the Mini Cleanse, which is my 7-day colon cleanse. I highly recommend that you get the Colon Cleanse Kit also which has the digestive stimulator and the toxin absorber. The cleanse programs start on Monday, but don’t worry if your kit arrives late. Many other people are just now ordering their cleanse kits so you can start with them.


The Mini Cleanse Starts Monday the 15th!

End Brain Fog!

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